Our Team

Melody Brenna
Melody Brenna has been working with Dr. Sobolev since 2002 creating advanced nanomaterials technologies. She is the original Co-founder of Milestone Architectural in Texas, which received multiple top small business awards. Applying her incredible expertise with material casting, Melody has dedicated her life to restore, revitalize, and protect ocean habitats through nano-science solutions. Her drive to accelerate scientific paths to global coral restoration is what inspires the rest of us to keep moving forward!

Konstantin Sobolev
Konstantin Sobolev Ph.D. is a co-founder and nanomaterial scientist for Reef Life Restoration, and is the Chair of Nanotechnology committee for the American Concrete Institute (ACI). He is also a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (FACI) and a Member of the Mexican Academy of Science. Sobolev is globally renowned for innovations in nanomaterials, waste inclusion, superhydrophobicity, and thermal and particle activation within novel cementitious matrices for highly diverse applications.
He leads the Reef Life material science team

Guyon Brenna
Guyon Brenna was the Buckminster Fuller Catalyst winner in 2017 for oceanic structure design and was named one of the 30 Under 30 from Earth X. Guyon co-founded Reef Life Restoration which specializes in Coral substrate reconstruction with species-specific nanomaterial cementitious mixes and develops 3D design of art and modular ocean habitats. He also presented at the UN Hawaii, Ocean Conference, and Hague Netherlands on coral restoration through substrate creation.

Ian Kellet
Ian draws upon two decades of ocean exploration to connect philanthropy, world class storytellers and media activism to support thriving and abundant ocean systems.
He field produced dozens of conservation, science and media teams while project managing a floating film studio. At his core Ian is an enthusiastic storyteller, performer and teacher who is passionate about exploring the nexus of philosophy and action.

Gillian Fischer
Growing up in Switzerland, Gillian has been a passionate shark and ocean advocate ever since her fear of sharks turned into a fascination at a young age. The aim of her shark photography is to educate people about the importance of these misunderstood animals for our ecosystem. With her background in teaching and her master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Technology Sydney focusing on Not-For-Profit and Social Enterprise Management and International Business, Gillian is excited to start her role as Consulting Project Director Australia at IntelliReefs.

Jessica Rose
Environmental Collaboration Builds A Sustainable Future (reeflifefoundation.org)
Fostering cultural understanding & environmental stewardship, of oceans, which we all bear a responsibility for, including social justice.
Jessica's extensive global experiences, fervent commitment to social justice, and profound dedication to ocean restoration define her journey. From photography with Indigenous communities in Southeast Asia to leading coral restoration in Mesoamerica, her work embodies a fusion of cultures and ecosystems.
With a recent graduate degree in Marine & Environmental Affairs from the University of Washington, specializing in Indigenous-led restoration and environmental justice, Jessica also spent two years as a FLAS Fellow studying Nuu-chah-nulth (Barkley Sound/ Tseshaht), a First Nation language from Vancouver Island’s west coast. Since graduating, she has been working with Tribes/ First Nations to navigate the emerging carbon removal market through innovative assessment tools for Global Ocean Health's "Partnerships for Tribal Carbon Solutions" program.